New drabble-poem: Look at Me

Look at Me  <–linky



Drabble-poems that deal with an early post-canon/canon divergent situation. Woon survives episode 29 and begins his reintegration into society. Can you imagine the adjustment disorientation? These drabbles rely on characterizations and call-backs to other writings of mine about Woon; he’s in a love relationship with Dong-soo; he suffers from nightmares and feelings of low self-worth; he wants to be recognized and healed, and yet he doesn’t. Nothing is familiar anymore.

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#drabbles #drabble-poems #BL #omg angst #you’ve been warned that this one is angsty #romance with angst #Woon at the start of the journey of love and healing #mention of gangrene if that squicks you #it’s a strange thing not being dead #Dong-soo never gives up on Woon #too much kindness hurts sometimes #how does one know who one is if you’re hiding all the time? #humans are social creatures #Yeo Woon isn’t very social 


Apologies to everyone waiting for my next chapter of Waiting and to everyone who wanted me to write toppy!Woon and more erotica, and especially to my girls, thememoryofthatday and Milliecake . Thank you for your patience while I have another tiny-fic flurry of Woon angst. Memory made me watch the actual show some more! It’s really sad! OMG.

#warrior baek dong soo fanfiction #angsty romance #BL #Dong-soo/Woon #Kdrama drabble-poems #I am procrastinating writing an action scene

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